Are politicians human?

EVERY SINGLE HUMAN BEING is born transgender. Although I question whether politicians fall under the heading of human, I believe they must ACCEPT that all their constituents are. What these morons fail to acknowledge is sexual identification is a CONSCIOUSNESS issue, NOT a physicality one. Consider that, in many cases, a child is born Intersex, and (for the politicians) I’ll explain that this child is born with both female and male genitalia. Even in these cases, the parents attempt to FORCE a gender choice, subjecting the child to surgical CORRECTION to reflect THEIR choice. EVERY child is an INDIVIDUAL and must be protected from ignorant politicians, parents, and the physician that will cut into anything for the sake of not only a dollar, but a phony religious belief as well.

Intelligent My Fat Asterisk!

I truly find it interesting that Man refers to himself as an intelligent being. Granted, he was intelligent enough to concoct the word (late 14th century), scribing it’s definition as “one able to comprehend truths.”

Sadly, though, throughout his existence, Man has been unable, unwilling, or simply to ignorant to acknowledge truths. Instead, he opts to fabricate fantastic fictional tales in which he is the hero, the victim, a disciple of a omniscient deity, a flamboyant discoverer of lands (already inhabited), a mighty warrior defending the helpless, and my personal favorite, the master of the universe!

When someone corrects one of his fabrications with truth, Man simply reaffirms his lies as factual, assumes the victim role, cries foul, and denounces the truth as an infringement of his cultural history.

Man has been playing this pathetic role for so long, he apparently cannot now comprehend the most blatant of truths; not even the simple fact that ALL men are created equal.

More, far to many men cannot accept the fact that women ARE NOT “the gate to hell,” “Eve the temptress that we must beware of,” “a misbegotten man,” and on and on.

Man even has difficulty recognizing other men as cohabitants on this isolated spinning space rock.

Conclusion: Man needs to come to terms with reality, get a grip on his machismo self, and as we were told in the bush while dodging enemy rounds he needs to lead, follow, or get the hell out of the way!

Sexual Inversion: It’s Here to Stay

If you are one of the multitude listening to so called qualified(?) politicians thrashing LGBTQ citizens because GOD is anti-LGBTQ, pat yourself on the back for being one of their gullible buffons; I can just hear these losers laughing it up at their ability to so easily set that little hook in your cheek and pull you along effortlessly.

I, on the other hand, am just a writer who always delves into the RESEARCH first, ensuring what I’m offering my readers is FACTUAL and VERIFIABLE, before releasing a word on my platform(s).

My sources in everything sexual are ground breaking researchers who PUBLISHED their findings (and made it all readily available), so that people SINCERELY seeking TRUE data/answers wouldn’t have to reply on LIARS and/or IGNORAMUS intentionally MAKING THINGS UP to misinform, distract, or otherwise confuse the public.

Having said that understand this; per Dr. Havelock Ellis, as published in his 6 volume series Studies in the Psychology of Sex, titles Volume 2 Sexual Inversion (homosexuality/same sex relationships). In this volume, Dr Ellis covers essentially every aspect of Sexual Inversion, including the top to bottom social ties, the closeted husbands, wives, clergy, and yes, the politicians.

It’s important to note, this enlightening volume was written sometime around 1897, and has been available FREE ever since. Yet today’s straight and narrow POLITICIANS, educated that they allegedly are, concerned for ALL citizens that they allegedly are, can’t seem to accept the TRUTH and support the RIGHTS and INCLUSIVENESS of all gender recognitions.

Please know your CANDIDATE(S); trust me, some of these people have no business holding any level of public office. If they sound unsure, or confused on this topic, on ANY topic which impacts/endangers lives out of sheer ignorance, contact them and set them straight.

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Respect and Acceptance

Basic respect and acceptance of another person form the pillars of a harmonious society.

No two individuals are the same, and even our earliest philosophers, Nietzsche, Jung, Freud, amongst others, urged us, not to follow in each other’s footsteps, rather to step off onto our own path towards Individuation.

Navigating this path, while treacherous, lined with alluring distractions and tantalizing obstacles, culminates with achievement of our true Self. (No one said it was easy, and in fact many never achieve individuation.)

So, when we embrace these principles, we acknowledge the inherent worth and dignity of not only ourselves, but every individual.

Respect means valuing someone’s opinions, beliefs, and experiences, even if they differ from our own; and let’s be honest NO TWO individuals will live the exact same experiences!)

What a boring existence we would live if we all believed alike, lived in similar cultures, all spoke the same language.

Our present existence entails listening with an open mind, treating others with kindness, and refraining from judgment.

Acceptance goes a step further, having us embracing diversity and recognizing that our differences enrich us.

By fostering respect and acceptance, we create an INCLUSIVE environment where everyone feels valued and empowered.

Let us cultivate these virtues and forge connections that bridge our uniqueness, fostering a world built on understanding and compassion.

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The Sacred Band of Thebes

In recognition of Pride Month, I’d like to share a little known (historical) story representing the acceptance of what today we call the LGBTQ+ community.

I chose this story due to a recent incident which raised eyebrows after I stated, among a small group of acquaintances, that as a Navy Corpsman, we, the medical staff, were aware of (pretty much) the LGBTQ Sailors and Marines, officers and enlisted, we were responsible for.

Of course, on hearing this there were those who remained silent, perhaps at a complete loss of words, and those who felt they had to lash back.

One in particular, a retired service member, grumbled “And how did you know that?” Essentially challenging that gays were not permitted to serve, and if medical personnel were aware of their existence, medical should have reported the individual for disciplinary action.

Well, as I’m sure most WOKE individuals can accept, LGBTQs ARE NOT new to societies, communities, religious or military ranks; and, to support this statement I will share the fact that gays have served honorably in essentially every Army, Air Force, and Navy including Hammarubi’s mighty (Mesopotamia) force.

And not only that, but  same sex military couples were actually seen more as a attribute than a hindrance.

Consider The Sacred Band of Thebes. This was a highly trained, elite and therefore feared fighting force consisting of 300 men; or, if you’d rather, 150 pairs of loving couples.

In that these men were romantically linked, literally devoted to the man beside him, found them highly motivated (and successful) on the battlefield.

Of course, with the spread of Judaism and Christianity, despite their own ranks swollen with LGBTQ, and I’ll add a “P” for pedophile, exposure now meant death.

Today’s campaign against the LGBTQ community is based on sheer ignorance. (I’d say stupidity, but that requires a medical diagnosis.) Nietzsche referred to these people as The Herd, The Last Man, The Slave, all ready to follow the loudest voice off the nearest cliff of insanity and hypocrisy.

So, now you know. Support our LGBTQ+ communities, especially those out; as with The Sacred Band of Thebes, they exhibit the courage, the devotion, the PRIDE, which is often unmatched by other groups. Embrace them, no matter the uniform they wear, the pronoun they prefer.

Are You Real?

I cannot believe, that in this, the 21st century (man’s time), people are STILL either unwilling or simply mentally incapable, of reading and learning FACTS/TRUTHS regarding the presence of man on Earth. With all the scientific documentation, with all the evidence collected and assembled, literally painting a detailed pictograph of evolution, there are STILL those who reject all and cling to the empty fairytales highlighting an omniscient deity; an entity responsible for all we know as life on Earth; an entity controlling our very existence till our death. A deity which is so blatantly absurd (as sold) it begs to draw ridicule. So it is, those defined as learned, in failing to recognize, in refusing to accept the obvious only call to question their mental soundness. Now please don’t get me wrong, clinging to a personal deity is not in and of itself a bad thing; Native tribes cling to Mother Earth and Father Sky in that they provide all sustinance, fresh air, and water.  Jung tells of every man, woman, and child harboring not only an Animus/Anima, but a powerful Shadow as well. These entities, inherent residents of consciousness; he warns, however, even these omniscient entities must be acknowledged, then intergraded into consciousness if we are to realize our true Self. The major difference? Jung speaks of personal edification and growth, not aspirating for global dominance and supremacy. Find your God, cling to that God, pray to that God, but be civil to your fellow man. He/she is reality.