Are You Real?

I cannot believe, that in this, the 21st century (man’s time), people are STILL either unwilling or simply mentally incapable, of reading and learning FACTS/TRUTHS regarding the presence of man on Earth. With all the scientific documentation, with all the evidence collected and assembled, literally painting a detailed pictograph of evolution, there are STILL those who reject all and cling to the empty fairytales highlighting an omniscient deity; an entity responsible for all we know as life on Earth; an entity controlling our very existence till our death. A deity which is so blatantly absurd (as sold) it begs to draw ridicule. So it is, those defined as learned, in failing to recognize, in refusing to accept the obvious only call to question their mental soundness. Now please don’t get me wrong, clinging to a personal deity is not in and of itself a bad thing; Native tribes cling to Mother Earth and Father Sky in that they provide all sustinance, fresh air, and water.  Jung tells of every man, woman, and child harboring not only an Animus/Anima, but a powerful Shadow as well. These entities, inherent residents of consciousness; he warns, however, even these omniscient entities must be acknowledged, then intergraded into consciousness if we are to realize our true Self. The major difference? Jung speaks of personal edification and growth, not aspirating for global dominance and supremacy. Find your God, cling to that God, pray to that God, but be civil to your fellow man. He/she is reality.